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Tuesday & Thursday By Appointment

Bloomington IL Audiologist

Bloomington IL Audiologist – Always H.E.A.R. – Call 309-664-6200

Maybe you’ve been thinking about getting tested for hearing aids, yet you’re concerned about how it will appear or whether it will truly help you. It can help address your concerns by speaking with a Bloomington IL Audiologist about:

-The different types of hearing aids and the options currently available to you.
-What to consider when choosing a hearing aid.
-How to get accustomed to wearing the device and when to get hearing aid repair.

It’s important to understand that hearing aids are not able to restore your normal hearing. However, they can help enhance your hearing through amplifying sounds that you’re having difficulty understanding. All hearing aids utilize the same fundamental components to transmit sounds from the surrounding environment to your ears while making them louder. Most hearing aid options are digital and powered with either a hearing aid battery or with a rechargeable battery.

Bloomington IL Audiologist

Bloomington IL Audiologist

Small microphones pick up sounds from your environment. Next, a computer chip with amplifying capabilities converts the incoming sounds into digital code. The chip analyzes and makes adjustments to the sound based upon your hearing loss, and the sound levels around you. Once amplified, the signals convert back to sound waves and proceed to your ears via speakers.

As your Bloomington IL Audiologist will explain, it takes some time to become used to wearing your hearing aid. You’ll probably notice that your hearing improves gradually while get used to amplification. Your own voice will even sound a little different when you’re wearing the hearing aid. As you start using your new device, keep in mind that:

-Your new hearing aid is not going to fully restore your hearing. It will amplify softer sounds to improve what you are able to hear. Give yourself sufficient time to get used to it. The more you wear it, you’ll adjust to the amplified sounds sooner. Practice using your hearing aid in various environments.
-Seek support from your loved and stay positive. Willingness to keep practicing and the steady support of your family can help improve your experience with the new hearing aid. Also, you might consider participating in a support group for those struggling with hearing loss and who – like you – are new to using a hearing aid.

Bloomington IL Audiologist

Schedule follow-up appointments with your Bloomington IL Audiologist. Our hearing aid specialists can make adjustments as needed to ensure your hearing aid works for you. The journey to better hearing gets a lot easier with the reliable support of relatives and friends. Living with someone coping with diminished hearing can be challenging. It’s healthy to communicate about what you are going through as well as how it impacts others in your household and daily routine.

It can also be difficult working with someone with hearing loss. Fortunately, there are some basic adjustments that can help colleagues with hearing loss to feel more welcome. Be open and ready to implement some simply changes to your workplace habits if there’s someone on your team who is hearing impaired. If you’re a manager or business owner, for instance, confirm in advance that they will be able to hear speakers clearly during meetings or sales presentations.

As professional Bloomington IL Audiologist will advise, it’s important to establish a workplace environment that is inclusive for those with hearing challenges. That can include anything from informing your colleague when everyone plans to get lunch to even repeating office memos and updates. Remember that a lot of people who are hearing impaired find that group conversations, particularly those that change topics rapidly, are hard to follow.

If you or someone in your family shows signs of poor hearing, call our facility to schedule an appointment with an Bloomington IL Audiologist.


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